Learn Coding via Games

Exploring how coding works by playing and coding games can be great fun.

Option 1: go simple

One way to go is to explore simpler games, where you can look at examples and get a better sense of what is going on, starting with very simple games like tic tac toe. This approach can help you learn coding by looking at games people have made, and looking for tutorials that help you to code a particular game.

Small games: 

This is a collection of many "small games" that are very simple, which someone had created. They may be intermediate level but may be fun to just explore. (Ex: 1D pac man)

Article: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/01/1d-pac-man-is-the-best-game-ive-played-in-2024-so-far/ 

Game site: https://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/browser.html 


Learning to code Python games can be a great way to start learning Python, and part of the first step you do is set up the tools to work with Python.

Tic Tac Toe with Python (note: Real Python is a paid academy but there are many free resources - the article does not require payment but the other resources on the site might require it - https://realpython.com/start-here/

Codeacademy has many great options: https://www.codecademy.com/catalog/language/python 

And there are many Youtube videos.

Option 2: Go AI

There are any number of AI-based platforms emerging to help with aspects of game creation. Some of them are for advanced game developers, but there are also some starting to appear that are for beginners.

Rosebud looks pretty interesting. https://www.rosebud.ai/ 

Moonlander is more sophisticated, but it might be worth exploring just for fun - especially if you like the idea of making games.